The Premium Behavioural Finance Conference for Advisers

Launched in 2017, the Humans Under Management conferences have been held in 3 countries.

Details of all previous events are below, with select video presentations from each event.

Interested in hosting Humans Under Management in your city? Let’s talk.

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    HUM London 2022

    Held at the Royal College of Physicians on 10 November 2022.

    Financial Advisers

    Andy Hart Opening - Above The Clouds
    Ruth Sturkey - Another Way of Being
    Helena Wardle - Consumer Duty is Good for Business
    Nick Taylor, Alan Smith (Fireside chat) - Slow Down to Go Fast
    Nick Lincoln - Bonds: The Great Reset

    The Experts

    Ola Abdul - Signal or Noise
    Kevin Doran, Andy Hart (Fireside Chat)
    Jeannie Boyle - Why climate change matters to financial planners
    Rob Geraghty - Presenting Virtually
    Melissa Kidd - The Pursuit of Less But Better
    Alexis Coran - Scam Proof Your Life

    Nick Taylor, Alan Smith (Fireside chat) - Slow Down to Go Fast

    Melissa Kidd - The Pursuit of Less But Better

    HUM South Africa 2022

    Held at the Allan Gray Auditorium in Cape Town on 13 October 2022.

    Financial Advisers

    Andy Hart (Opening) - Above The Clouds
    Kim Potgieter - Post-Pandemic, Shifting Conversations
    Felicity Guest, Louis van der Merwe (Fireside Chat) - Unpacking Economic
    and Financial Abuse
    Nick Lincoln - Bonds: The Great Reset

    The Experts

    Paul Nixon - Traders with a Sunny Disposition
    Rob Geraghty - Presenting Yourself Online
    Prince Sarpong - Shifting from ‘Having’ to ‘Being’
    Jason Butler - Finding True Wealth
    Jean Archary - Human Under Management
    Sarah Newcomb - Financial Psychology and the Money Mindset

    Kim Potgieter - Post Pandemic, Shifting Conversations

    Rob Geraghty - Presenting Yourself Online

    HUM London 2021

    Held at the Royal College of Physicians on 30 November 2021.

    Financial Advisers

    Andy Hart: The Covid Crash
    Steven Hennessy: Harnessing the Creative Power of Conflict in Your Business
    Nick Lincoln: “Inflation Nation”? What To Do About It (& What Not)
    Brendan Frazier: The Human Side of Advice
    Cleona Lira: How to Enjoy Greater Freedom & Choice with Money & Life

    The Experts

    Abraham Okusanya: Empires, Pirates & Adviser Technology
    Anthony Arvanitakis: Physical, Mental & Financial Fitness
    Cathi Harrison: Culture & Financial Services
    Holly Mackay: What do people REALLY want from financial advice?
    Rory Sutherland: The "Zoom Boom" & the New World of Work

    HUM South Africa 2021

    Virtual Conference held on 15 September 2021.

    Financial Advisers

    Andy Hart: The Story Behind The Story
    Tiffany Havinga: Young Adviser, Older Client
    Wouter Fourie: How to Position Your Fees with Clients
    Gugu Sidaki & Palesa Dube: Charting the Independent Route
    Johannes Landman: How We Talk About Investments
    Ebrahim Moola: Successful Succession
    Keith McDonald: Our Financial Life Planning Journey
    Nonhlanhla Nxele: My Experience from Brand Change
    Dirk Groeneveld: My Lifestyle Financial Planning Journey

    The Experts

    Julie Littlechild: How Client Engagement is Being Disrupted
    Dennis Moseley-Williams: Becoming a Guru: A Serious Shift for Advisers
    Dr Gizelle Willows: The Limitations of Risk Questionnaires
    Morgan Housel: The Psychology of Money

    HUM London 2020

    Virtual Conference held on 26 November 2020.

    Financial Advisers

    Nick Lincoln: Saving Vitas When and Whom
    Tina Weeks: We Always Think We Have Time
    Eoin Mcgee: My Why
    Andy Hart: Why Words Matter
    Paul Cleworth: Our What, Why & How
    David Hearne: What Did You Expect

    The Experts

    Barney Whiter: What Can We Learn From Cults?
    Laura Whateley: Millennials, Gen Z and Financial Education
    Richard Chataway: The Behaviour Business
    Cathy MacDonald: Communicating Differently

    HUM South Africa 2020

    Virtual Conference held on 8 September 2020.

    Financial Advisers

    Louis van der Merwe: Put Technology In Its Place
    Kim Potgieter: Building a Financial Planning Business Based on Life Planning
    Scott Frank: IQ + EQ = Real Financial Planning
    Andy Hart: The Hidden Magic
    Warren Ingram & Rob Macdonald: Focusing on the person, not the problem
    Kagisho Mahura: Building a Black-owned Financial Planning Business in SA

    The Experts

    Kate Holmes: Be The Example
    David Kop: Is Compliance Standing In The Way?
    Faith Liversedge: Marketing that works
    Mark Orpen-Lyall: It’s not about the bike: lessons from elite athletes
    Dr Daniel Crosby: The Four Pillars of Investor Behaviour

    HUM London 2019

    Held at the Royal College of Physicians on 4 December 2019.

    All the videos from this event are included in the HUM Premium membership.

    Financial Advisers

    Simonne Gnessen: Together, we can transform more lives
    Sarah Hogan: £61,897
    Sandy Robertson: Curiosity: My old friend, my greatest critic, my mentor
    Brian Hill: Contempt: the relationship killer
    Nick Lincoln: Dalbar-itus: Diagnosis and Cure

    The Experts

    Michelle Hoskin: How to be a happy human
    David Scarlett: Stop Following. Start Leading.
    Greg Davies: The best of humans, the best of technology|
    Andrew Walker: It’s the Relationship, Stupid!
    Phil Bray: Using stories to cut through the noise
    Dr Moira Somers: Advice that Sticks

    Sandy Robertson: Curiosity: My old friend, my greatest critic, my mentor

    Greg Davies: The best of humans, the best of technology

    HUM South Africa 2019

    Held at the Allan Gray Auditorium in Cape Town on 10 September 2019.

    All the videos from this event are included in the HUM Premium membership.

    Financial Advisers

    Kim Potgieter: Courage
    Warren Ingram: Building a Business
    Andy Hart: Informed Risk
    Justin King: Who did you not get to be?
    Sunel Veldtman: Managing humans in transition
    Barry O'Mahony: Finding the right experts to help you be the best you can be
    Lisa Linfield: One million women

    The Experts

    Abraham Okusanya: The indispensable adviser
    John Dobson: Rugby players are human too!
    Rob Macdonald: The challenge of being a choice architect
    Christo Brand: Nelson Mandela: My prisoner and my friend

    Barry O'Mahony: Finding the right experts to help you be the best you can be

    Rob Macdonald: The challenge of being a choice architect

    HUM London 2018

    Held at the Royal College of Physicians on 1 November 2018.

    Financial Advisers

    Rob Caplan: Things Are Not Always What They Seem
    Fiona Sharp: Have a good weekend?
    Nick Lincoln: Capacity For Loss: Slaying The Wrong Dragon
    Catherine Morgan: Emotional Connections and Impact
    Sam Sloma: The Value of Happiness
    Hayley Tink: Money Memories, Family Patterns and Habit Loops: the adventures of a Behavioural Financial Planner

    The Experts

    Neil Bage: Evolviour. Our behavioural journey
    Robin Powell: How Do Passive Investors Behave?
    Greg Davies: Anxiety Adjusted Returns - Overcoming the Cost of Being Human
    Seb Dovey: Engage don’t Enrage: the to-do and not-to-do guide to a better relationship in 2019
    David Ferguson: Ninjaneering
    David Jones: The Most Important Graph(s) in the World
    Dan Egan: Technology, design and being a better person

    Hayley Tink: Money Memories, Family Patterns and Habit Loops: the adventures of a Behavioural Financial Planner

    Dan Egan: Technology, design and being a better person

    HUM Dublin 2018

    Held at UCD Dublin on 17 May 2018.

    All the videos from this event are included in the HUM Premium membership.

    Financial Advisers

    Alan Smith: Managing Yourself
    Carl Widger: All I Knew is That I Never Wanted to be Average
    Nick Lincoln: Let’s Talk About Risk, Baby!
    Paddy Delaney: P = p - i
    Jane McAleese: The Power of Active Listening

    The Experts

    Abraham Okusanya: Managing the Investor: the Behavioural Adviser’s Highest Value Proposition
    Anthony Kelly: The Importance of Behavioural Science
    Patrick Fogarty: The Big Tease
    Gary Connolly: Why Good Advice is Hard to Follow
    Michiel Van Vugt: How to Help Clients Behave Better
    Laura Janes: The Moments That Matter - How to Surprise and Delight Your Clients at Every Stage of Their Journey

    Nick Lincoln: Let’s Talk About Risk, Baby!

    Abraham Okusanya: Managing the Investor: the Behavioural Adviser’s Highest Value Proposition

    HUM London 2017

    The inaugural HUM event, held at the Royal College of Physicians on 28 November 2017.

    Financial Advisers

    Alan Smith: It’s all about AUM! (Advisers Under Management)
    Pete Matthew: Pre-suasion
    Nick Lincoln: Lest We Forget: Remembering What’s Coming
    Justin King: The unconscious mind, friend or fiend?
    Anthony Villas: Behavioural Economics, So What?

    The Experts

    Abraham Okusanya: Preparing Clients for the Next Financial Crisis
    Stephen Greenfield: Implications of Investor Behaviour
    Greg Davies: New Vistas in Risk Profiling
    Graham Cox: Human Perception: How to change a clients mindset
    Ramin Nakisa: Filling the Financial Knowledge Gap
    Laura Janes: The Power of Being Human
    Jason Butler: Simple steps to financial well-being

    Alan Smith: It’s all about AUM! (Advisers Under Management)

    Laura Janes: The Power of Being Human